Back when I started jumping rope, one of the main things needed to qualify for the team was to complete the 26 basic tricks without a mistake. I can remember having this list on my wall. It was a constant goal for me to “check it off” the list. We actually had to perform each skill in front of a coach 10 times in a row without a mistake before they would sign off that we could do it.
Why these 26 Skills?
When you’re first getting started in jump rope, you want to have a variety of skills that challenge you in different ways. These tricks give you a good base to work from as you level up your jump rope moves. Most of the skills are “footwork” with a couple that require the use of your arms. Some require hopping on one foot, others challenge your balance.
I’ve always loved how a jump rope workout is easy to spice up. Mastering this entire list will keep your workout sessions varied and interesting. They will challenge different muscle groups and help you to get more in tune with your body. Enough of that, below is the list and it’s time you get jumping!

The 26 Basic Tricks of Jump Rope
- Double Side Swing
- Single Side Swing
- Skier
- Bell
- Side Straddle
- Forward Straddle
- Double Straddle
- “X”
- Wounded Duck
- Peek-a-boo
- Double Peek-a-boo
- Toe-to-Toe
- Heel-to-Heel
- Heel-to-Toe
- Double Under
- Criss-Cross
- Twister
- Advanced Twister
- Side Swing Criss-Cross
- Fling
- Irish Fling
- W.W. Kick
- Can-Can
- Frog
- Wing Ding
- 360
Some of these skills are self explanatory, some are not. If you need to know how to do any of these correctly, check out the Single Rope Skills section of our site. You can also find some of these basic tricks in episodes of our videoKast. Print out the list and see if you can check them all off! It’s a challenge that will help you improve and get in shape.